24th - 11th June 2023

Saunton Beach

Devon Competition

30th May - 24th June 2023

Closing Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2023 - 08:12

Devon Surf Lifesaving Ocean Championships 2023

Youth/Open and Masters Championships

Saturday 24th June
Saunton Sands Beach
Registration and Team Managers meeting – 8.15am
Start 9.00am prompt

Chief Ref for the day is Joe Deasy

All officials named on the team sheet must be willing to help and attend on the day and be prepared to get wet (Finish pole in the sea). We are particularly keen to have recorders on the beach and in the clubhouse (maintaining the excel spreadsheet) .Early identification of volunteers for this please, so that any support or training can be arranged ahead of the day.
Clubs need to ensure that competitors and parents understand that the competition cannot run without help from the clubs. If insufficient help is provided on the day then the competition may be cancelled.
Officials can be rotated during the course of the events but clubs must ensure that they maintain the designated number of officials at all times.
Event Age Group
Surf Swim 13yrs; U15; U17: Opens: Masters 30+/40+/50+/60+
Board 13yrs; U15; U17; Opens: Masters 30+/40+/50+/60+
Ocean Man/Ocean woman U15; U17: Opens: Masters 30+/40+/50+/60+
Ocean Boy/Girl U13
Beach Flags 13yrs; U15; U17:Opens: Masters 30+/40+/50+/60+
Beach Sprints 13yrs; U15; U17; Opens: Masters 30+/40+/50+/60+
1km/2km Run 13yrs; U15;U17: Opens: Masters 30+/40+/50+/60+
Single Ski Race U15; U17:Opens: Masters 30+/40+/50+/60+

Mixed Double Ski Race U15; U17:Opens: Masters 30+/40+/50+/60+
Board Relay U15; U17; Opens:Masters 90+ and 120+
Sprint Relay (Mixed for youth 2male /2 female) U15; U17; Opens: Masters 90+ and 120+
Taplin Relay U15; U17; Opens: Masters 90+ and 120+
Teams are limited to two scoring teams of boys and girls per club in each age band. Clubs may enter as many additional non scoring teams as they wish. If there are insufficient competitors within an age band, teams may seek permission from the Chief Referee to move competitors up an age band.

As always programme will be subject to weather and other risks
We hope to run 2 arenas on the beach and one in the sea
16 and 17 year olds will need to decide on doing U17 or Open competition.
30+ either OPEN or masters
High Tide 10:35am
Surf Events(Morning) First race 9am In all events please be aware that we may Combine ages M/F where possible
Masters 60+/50+/40+/30+
U13/U15/U17 OPEN


Masters 60+/50+/40+/30+
U13/U15/U17 OPEN

Masters 60+/50+/40+/30+
U15/U17 OPEN

Ocean Man/Ocean Woman Opens; U17,U15,Masters 30+40+ 50+60+ Men then Women each age group.
Taplin Opens; U17,U15. Masters +90; Masters +120 Men then Women each age group

Ocean Boy/Girl U13 Girls then boys

Board Relay Opens; U17, U15. Masters +90; Masters +120 Men then Women each age group

Beach events (Afternoon)
Group 1st event 2nd event 3rd event 4th event
U13boys 1k flags sprint
U13girls 1k flags sprint
U15boys 1k flags sprint Sprint relay
U15girls 1k flags sprint Sprint relay
U17boys 1k flags sprint Sprint relay
U17girls 1k flags sprint Sprint relay
30+ men 1k sprint Sprint relay flags
30+ladies 1k sprint Sprint relay flags
40+ men 1k sprint Sprint relay flags
40+ladies 1k sprint Sprint relay flags
50+ men 1k sprint Sprint relay flags
50+ladies 1k sprint Sprint relay flags
60+ men 1k sprint Sprint relay flags
60+ladies 1k sprint Sprint relay flags
OPEN men 2k sprint Sprint relay flags
OPEN ladies 2k sprint Sprint relay Flags

Notes and General Information
All competitors must be registered individually with SLSGB, be a member of a club for 2023 and hold the recognised competency qualifications for events entered.
Clubs must be affiliated to Surf Life Saving Devon.

Clubs must ensure they have sufficient equipment for their competitors, please avoid ‘board sharing’ Races will not be delayed due to a lack of equipment or incomplete adjustment of skis
Please ensure each competitor has their own equipment available as the races will be doubled up if there are less than 16 in an age group/combined age group.
SLS Devon will not be liable for any loss or damage to equipment
Competitor Clothing:
Club caps must be worn in all events. They should be tied securely under the chin and worn on the head at the start of each event.
No jewellery to be worn during races
All competitors must wear the SLSGB high visibility safety vest during any water event.
Competitors must remove caps and vests if entering the sea other than in competition races. This is a club responsibility and points will be deducted for infringement at the discretion of the Referee.
(Clubs should decide if individuals are to purchase their own vest or whether the club will have a bank of vests to lend to competitors – these are the same vests that were worn for previous ocean nationals)
Race Organisation:
Races will start on time and programme changes will only occur as a result of sea / weather conditions.
Team managers are to ensure that competitors are ready for each event (including relays)
A team marshal should also be appointed to deputise for the team manager should he/she be unavailable due to a team managers meeting or some other eventuality.
All volunteers must be Level 1 Safeguarding. There is a tool on the SLSGB website that clubs must now follow. This takes about 20mins to complete.
All trophies should be returned in a clean condition on the day of the competition
Medals will be presented to Youth competitors only at the end of each race.
There is a café onsite and refreshments of Tea and Coffee will be provided for officials.

Where it is required – all clubs must be in possession of the appropriate parental consent forms.

Please complete the attached entry form including names for each competitor and each helper
An electronic copy of the entry forms must be sent to Jan Reid at
The entry fee is: £15.00 per competitor - Only one £15 entry fee will be charged for any nipper junior who competes in both the Devon Nipper and Youth Ocean championships (Please pay for the Nippers competition and the Youths will be free of charge)

Please pay by BACS to SLS Devon.
Sort Code: 30-90-49 Account Number: 01799794
To help the Devon Treasurer, can clubs please use their two letter abbreviations i.e SS Saunton Sands, SD Sidmouth, Ba Bantham BB Bideford Bay etc followed by NO (Nipper Oceans) and the number of paying competitors.
For example BBNO10 – Bideford Bay/Nipper Oceans/10 Competitors
Please note both club entries and fees must be received by the closing date. Any club omitting to pay entry fees on time will face a 25% increase in their entry fees for the relevant competition or will be refused entry for that competition

Closing date for all entries/payment is Sunday 11th June

• A competitor already entered can withdraw due to no longer being available up to one week before the date of the relevant competition. However, they will not be due a refund.
• Their position in the relevant competition can be transferred to another person in the club
• Their club will be responsible for payment issues arising e.g. the replacement competitor reimbursing the competitor that is no longer available.


• No refunds are given for non-availability or no shows or any withdrawal after entry closure
• Refunds will only be given after the Devon Sports Committee has agreed that the relevant competition cannot be re-scheduled.
• The Devon Sports Chair and the Devon Treasurer will agree the level of refund due to each club, after costs have been taken into consideration
• The refund for each will be based on the total entry fees received from all clubs for the relevant competition less the agreed costs divided by the number of competitors each club entered.
• The refund will be made via BACS or cheque to the club
• The club will be responsible for sharing the refund amongst its competitors
• The club must notify the Devon Treasurer that they wish to be refunded
• They can choose not to have refund; in which case the funds will be held for future sports expenditure and not future entry fees for the club declining a refund


Any club not paying their entry fees on time will face a 25% increase in their entry fees for the relevant
competition or will be refused entry for that competition

Please refer to the ilsf europe rules for each event. These can be found at

Conduct of Competitors, Officials and Spectators:
Please note:
1. Any abuse of officials during or after the event will not be tolerated
2. Clubs will be informed of any incident and competitors/spectators involved will be asked to leave the event arena immediately and they will take no further part in the competition
3. Parents/spectators/competitors with a query should approach the appropriate team manager
4. Team managers only should approach the referees

How to complete the entry form
Very important:
Please note that each competitor has an individual competition number (club code plus number number) and this links to their computer entry. If you mark up the children incorrectly then the score sheets will not work.
So the back of the right hand should have club ID ie SD01 WO23 SS12 and left hand age etc written so that the recorder can easily see. See attached picture.

The number comes from the excel spreadsheet entry cell so the row the competitor is entered on.
Enter the info on the spreadsheet carefully as errors can upset the program and the results won’t read correctly.
Please use CAPITAL letters for your club code
Please put all girls of one age group together and then all boys of one age group (This is because entries are cut and pasted onto the recording system)
The age is the age the child will be on Dec 31st 2023
Please bring black bags to take away your rubbish.

Have a great competition!

Location: Saunton Beach

Saunton Sands SLSC

Event Organiser Saunton Sands SLSC